Sunday 24 April 2011

The couple on the bus

I was stuck on the bus today.  Well, that's not strictly true, the bus was stuck in traffic and I was on the bus. I could have got off and walked but it was very hot, it had been a long morning  and it would have been a long, long way to walk.  The problem was with  the level crossing where the lights were flashing continually and the barriers kept going up and down, so we weren't going to be going anywhere until all that stopped.  It was hot on the bus,  I was getting stiff and people were getting grumpy,  so it was a bit of a dilemma.  Do I go or do I stay? (is that the title of a song?).  It was a dilemma shared by an older couple, who seemed to be in their seventies, who had got on the bus at the stop just before all this started.  As we sat there the woman kept walking to the front of the bus, peering out of the front window then wandering back to report to the man.

She said    'we had better get off'
He said     'you can't walk'
She said    'no, it's not good'
He said     'come and sit down'
She sat down
She said    'we had better get off'
He said     'you can't walk'
She said    'yes'
She got up, went to the front, came back
She said    'it was down for half an hour last time'
He said     'that's not good'
She said    'we had better get off'
He said     'you can't walk come and sit down'
She sat down
She said    ' we had better get off'
He said     'righty ho'

And off they got.

A short while afterwards the bus moved (with the crossing lights still flashing I might add!!)

At the next bus stop the elderly couple got on.

He said     'that's good'
She said    'we walked'

They sat down, not next to each other and didn't say another word.

You needed to be there.

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